Okay, this podcast is a milestone for us. Dinah bought several hundred dollars worth of sound equipment (Alesis MultiMix8 w/Firewire, Behringer C-1 mics),

I've set it up so that if you listen to the .m4a version (that's what gets downloaded from iTunes), Clink's more on the left channel, Dinah's more on the right, and I'm in the middle. Let us know how you like it. I'm still figuring out how to use it all to achieve the best sound quality, but I think #38 is the best one we've ever done so far.
November 11, 2007: #38 New & Improved!
Topics include:
- MacArthur Foundation Grant. Decision-making, substance abuse, and brain abnormalities. Developing guidelines for judges about neuroimaging and brain function.
- On our Shrink Rap blog, Clink blogs about What She Learned (Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3) at her AAPL conference.
- Delirium. Roy discusses delirium, or encephalopathy, what it is and recent findings about longer term damage. This was on the front page of a recent WSJ.
- Shrink-proof containers. Clink brings back a hotel bottle of mouthwash that she could not open.
- Q&A: Gerbil brings up recent study on chocolate lovers.
- Online CBT for Depression. Study finds it helpful for mild-moderate depression. Eliza.
- Telepsychiatry. We just chat about some of the issues.

Find show notes with links at: http://mythreeshrinks.com/. The address to send us your Q&A's is there, as well. This podcast is available on iTunes (feel free to post a review) or as an RSS feed. You can also listen to or download the .mp3 or the MPEG-4 file from mythreeshrinks.com. Thank you for listening. |
Wait wait wait wait... Where's the parakeet? Doesn't he get a microphone too?
Sounds great, guys.
Thanks Jon. All the credit goes to Dinah for buying the equipment and Roy for all the editing. Me, I just brought chocolate and gave morale support. Monkey the parakeet and Max the dog will be sharing microphones.
Granted this could all be because of my crappy laptop speakers, but I think you guys need a little tweaking on the sound to make it sound really good. It was definitely an improvement over the 1 mic. I personally think Clink sounded the best with Dinah a close second. Roy, you need to definitely work on your sound. You actually sounded better during previous podcasts. Otherwise, I think the investment was a good idea.
Now it's time to have some fun and learn how to use a soundboard correctly. Soon Roy will be able to add the title of soundman to his resume. Ha! Keep up the good work guys!
Am I the only one who thought of Prince's song "Delirious?" Roy, please tell me that you haven't gotten too highbrow for musical interludes!
Interesting info about Benadryl and anti-cholinergics. I looked it up and it explains ALOT of problems that I am having that I didn't realize were caused by too much Benadryl. I only had 4 last night. I can't seem to get to sleep without it....
I wish my Shrink was as helpful as you guys.
Anticholinergic toxicity! I know I've written about my own issues with delirium related to anticholinergics before, but 3 of the times were severe. One lasted 4 days on and off in the hospital due to cogentin and depacon (supposedly...), and the other was a very severe case that lasted about 8 hours possibly from an interaction of a few different meds, including mexiletine. The 3rd time it happened as a result of a cocktail of meds I received in the outpatient IV infusion center - when I drove my car home but couldn't see and took the "wrong" way home - much to the anxiety of my dad, who believed me when I very convincingly said, "I can drive! I'm fine!"
Anticholinergic toxicity really scares me - as I can't remember any of the things that I say or do when this happens. When I was in the ER with the 8 hour incident, the doctors suspected that I had taken drugs of some sort, but my friend and my parents convinced them that I don't do drugs and recently had a similar thing happen due to meds.
A friend of mine who is a psychiatrist said at the time, "Thanks for teaching me that anticholinergic toxicity psychosis/syndrome can happen in a young person!" Interesting....
I do know now some of the things I did/said during these episodes from things I wrote and also from my family telling me what I said/did, but it definitely makes me shudder to think about it all!
Anyway - that's where I'm at in the podcast. Nice sound!! I think it's great.... :)
Going to keep listening now!!
Take care,
Carrie :)
Listening to the part on telepsychiatry/internet counseling, etc. I listened to the comment about seeing facial expressions and other nonverbal expressions, and I had a thought on this. A few months ago, my psychiatrist had me turn my chair away from him....in his tiny little office (he now at least uses the same office all the time, though it is a small one!), he sits behind me by the door, and I sit in front of him facing the wall. (A little weird at times!)
He explained that it is "reminiscent" of the couch, and that taking my interpretation of his nonverbal cues (intentional and unintentional) out of the picture could be helpful. This, in theory, should help me to open up more.
I can see his point, though in some ways it does make the silences even more difficult than they always have been. I can't see his face or expression, so now I'm left to wonder what exactly he is expressing - though often in the silences before he would just look at me, which was terribly anxiety-provoking to me. I dont' like to be focused on like that.
Anyway - I am rambling...what I am getting to is that sometimes it is good to eliminate the nonverbals from the clinician's standpoint. However, I would think that it is always beneficial for him to see MY nonverbal communication. Hence why he faces me, even with my back turned - as opposed to both of us facing away from one another.
Sorry to ramble on yet again!
Take care,
Carrie :)
OMG! is that the back of ROY'S HEAD????
1) Eliza is still around, now in convenient Web format!
2) Thanks for mentioning/posting the chocolate study. It's just one of the many random things I've come across on Googe News. But FYI, there is no Mr. Gerbil--we're both chicks, or rather gerbilettes :)
oh! and
3) on the subject of aggregate imaging studies, I eagerly await your take on the potential uses of the hot-off-the-peer-reviewed-presses ADHD brain scan study.
That was awesome! just finished listening to the podcast now... the sound is great! I think Dinah needs a bigger dining room table though!
Ok - What kind of wine is that in the picture? And, why is it only half empty?
I realized the faux pas while producing the podcast, as I know you've pointed it out once before. Thanks for the Eliza link. I'll look for the imaging study.
Yes, I turned on purpose.
Thanks, Rach. Sophizo, I'll figure out how to get things right eventually. Or not. And, Dr A, I don't recall the wine, but I'm certain it got emptied.
Thanks for all the comments on the new sound.
Eh, no hard feelings :)
OK, what am I missing? I found no address to submit Q&A on your podcast page.
Anyway, I received a comment on my site and I'm wondering if, singly, or collectively, you could explain this. Perhaps I slept through this lecture?
mythreeshrinksatgmail dot com
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